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Home business

Home business

How and where you can make money at home: making money at home, home business, home work, home small business ideas for housewives, tips for beginners on how to start making money quickly and easily with your own hands at home without significant investments from scratch.

The harder traffic jams become on the roads, and the metro gets more crowded, the less desire any able-bodied citizen feels to go to work. However, sitting at home idly with folded hands is also not within the power of everyone. Is there a way out of this situation? Of course there is – a home business.

Professional troubles

It’s no secret that there are activities you don’t have to leave your home for. And there are many professionals who are able to fulfill their obligations at home as well as in the office. For example, designers. The customer, the buyer of his services, does not matter at all whether he was sitting all day in the office, or in half an hour he sketched the layouts of the house.

Another thing is that a potential employer may be worried about it. Indeed, a few years ago, the authorities simply demanded that a person be present at work without fail. Today, the situation has changed, and the presence of a place of work at home already bothers almost no one: on the contrary, the savings are obvious. However, the designer is not a bastard – most of them, having tasted the taste of free bread and the power of their own talent, completely refuse to work for someone else’s company, preferring to do their home business and work for themselves.

A similar evolution is taking place in the minds of web designers, programmers, and layout designers. Having given up office work, they receive assignments over the Internet, transferring the work done in the same way. A free schedule is the path to the development of one’s own creativity, the artists and writers agree (the modern version is the creators of computer games and simple children’s fairy tales, women’s novels with a predictable plot).

In a free schedule, more precisely, at home, typists are trying to earn extra money – for the sent scanned text they pay from 3 to 20 dollars, depending on the quality of the sent material, as well as the complexity of the subject. Legal advisers can also start running a home business – the cost of an hour of work of such a specialist is estimated at $ 20-400, depending on the complexity of the issue. A new subspecies of such a specialist – a lobbyist – takes much more, but is able to solve problems of almost any complexity.

Foreign language experts who do not seek (or have not found) shelter under the wing of training schools or courses also prefer to work from home. For an hour and a half of English lessons, you can earn 10-30 dollars, depending on the student’s preparation and teaching technique. German costs the same, French and Italian more. Even more expensive and rare are the Arabic languages ​​(including Turkish), Greek, Japanese and Indian.

Home business: trapped by the network

Network Marketing is another option for the home worker. Of course, it would be a stretch to call such a home business – most likely, in search of your client, you will have to travel not only around the outskirts of your place of residence, but also completely “inconvenient” areas. Fortunately, for women there is an eternal topic – cosmetics, and the number of companies providing the opportunity to make money in this way is growing every year.

Some insurance brokers also operate on the principle of network marketing. Employees not tied to the office can “earn” the above amount of 6 thousand hryvnyas. in one day, however, in this case it is hardly possible to get by with sitting at home – communication, the search for new ways, new clients and new earnings – this is what will put before such employees higher barriers than before, including material ones.